[PARANOIA] Service Service | ходы игроков | Конклав Секретных Сообществ [***]

DungeonMaster Andraoi
27.09.2013 06:27

Beliefs: Eliminate mutant powers. Reestablish pure-strain humans as the dominant force in society. An evil, monolithic conspiracy of mutants seeks to destroy true humans and impose a mutant dictatorship. If mutants are not destroyed, three-armed green- tendriled monstrosities will take over! With their fantastic mental powers, they may be warping your mind and playing with your emotions even now! Kill any mutant, anywhere, any time. Just because a mutant has registered with The Computer is no reason to spare his life. Any deviation from the human norm is suspect. Anyone who even looks at you cross-eyed is probably trying to control your mind. Mutants are evil! Mutants are foul! Kill all mutants!

Friends: Humanists
Enemies: Psion

Description: The obvious irony of belonging to the Anti-Mutant Secret Society is that all its PC members are mutants themselves. Unless the PC is ignorant of his own powers (hmm... an interesting idea), being a member of Anti-Mutant is the equivalent of passing for white as a member of the Ku Klux Klan. This is obviously very dangerous and under no circumstances should such a character reveal he has a mutant power.

Recognition signal: The first member makes the ‘antennae’ symbol (wiggles two fingers above his head).The second member responds with a slooow cutting motion across the throat.

Advancement: For executing mutants or uncovering evidence of mutation.

Special rules: Though the player himself may know that all other Player Characters have mutant powers, he must remember his character imagines mutant powers to beveryrare.Heshouldonlydenounceor execute a citizen with a mutant power if he has actual, incontrovertible proof the mutant power exists.

Anti-Mutant is generally loyal to The Computer and is in fact heavily infiltrated by Internal Security. The society does have access to wealthy patrons and The Computer (through its Internal Security agents) may support society missions in keeping with its own objectives. Expensive and exotic but generally legal, equipment is often available through the society.

The society also maintains detailed records on all mutations and on those who are suspected of having mutations. However, much of this is inaccurate and derives from Old Reckoning comic books. The rival Secret Society Psion makes forays into Anti-Mutant strongholds to destroy actual data about mutant powers.

A typical Anti-Mutant conversation
Anti-Mutant: They’re in my mind! They’re reading my thoughts!
Citizen: Hey, take it easy.
Anti-Mutant: You! You’re doing it! You mutant scum! DIE! [ZapZapZap.]
Citizen: Unnh! [Thud.]


DungeonMaster Andraoi
27.09.2013 06:30

Beliefs: Smash The Computer and its corrupt capitalist lackeys! All power to the INFRARED masses! The masses are the creators of all wealth; high Security Clearance citizens are parasites fattening on the blood of the people! All wealth to the creators of wealth. Death to the oppressor! From each according to his abilities; to each according to his needs.

The Computer is the highest stage of capitalism; we must destroy it so we canbringaboutaPeople’sStatewhere all may live in equality and harmony. Inequality is evil; property is theft; power to the people! Strive valiantly for the triumph of the masses! Never betray the Revolution! Smash The Computer!

Friends: No one likes Commies!
Enemies: Everybody hates Commies!

Description: The Commies do not really know much about historical Communism, which was a dead doctrine long before Year 1 of The Computer. However, The Computer’s intense persecution of Communism has led to its revival. (Certain citizens conclude if The Computer hates Communism that much, it cannot be all bad.) Communists have tried to reconstruct Communism from the few sources they have found but many cells have little idea what it is all about.

The Party is organised in the traditional cell structure. Each member belongs to a cell of 3-12 comrades, directed by a leader, usually the highest-degree member of the cell. The leader reports to a higher member and so on, until the top of the organisational tree is reached – the Party Chairman. At 3rd degree, a character becomes the leader of a cell and at 4th degree, other cell leaders report to him.

Because of the Party’s strict doctrines condemning a hierarchical organisation of power and responsibility, occasionally a member of low status will be selected to perform a very important task or to lead a group of Party members of higher status. This is often done capriciously and may result in a very important Party member taking orders from a very low level member. This has interesting possibilities for an unusual mission.

Recognition signal: First comes the secret handshake – three pumps followed by two squeezes. In Zap games, each member then recites this oath – ‘The People’s Revolution is coming anditisuptoustopavetheway.Down with the Imperialist lackeys. Down with The Computer. Never betray the Revolution!’

Advancement: Communists admire those with a good grasp of doctrine (high Communist Propaganda skill) and who take daring action against The Computer. They also encourage ‘infecting’ citizens with Communist propaganda leads to promotion in the hierarchy.

Special rules: The society teaches the Unhealthy skill of Communist Propaganda to all members and places high priority on achieving higher levels with the skill. The leadership looks with extreme suspicion on members who fail to diligently study and spread this skill.

Information and equipment are sometimes available to Party members but the member must demonstrate a strong case for its importance and the importance of the mission.

The Computer intensely fears and despises Communists and they are the most persecuted of all the Secret Societies. If The Computer discovers that a character is a Communist, it will apprehend and execute the character with dispatch.

A typical Communist conversation
Citizen: Do you have your authorisation form?
Communist: Da. I am givink it to you now, com... er, citizen.
Citizen: Okay, looks good. I’m going to have to examine that large ticking package under your arm. Communist: Surely dot will not be necessary. [Rattles plasticreds in hand.] Citizen: Uh... no, certainly not. [Palms plasticreds.]
Communist: Tank you for your cooperation, citizen. I am werry grateful. Here. Have a pamphlet. [Departs.]
Citizen: ‘Colonialism, by V.I.Lenin.’ [Turns pale.]
Another citizen: Huh? Who’s this Lenin guy?
Citizen: Uh... No one! Never heard of him! Absolutely not! Oh, look; I accidentally fired my laser and this pamphlet began to burn! What a pity. Uh... I have a hunch we should go after that guy.
Other citizen: Huh? Why? Weren’t his papers in order?
Citizen: Uh... yeah! Uh... sure! But... [An explosion in the distance.]


DungeonMaster Andraoi
27.09.2013 06:34

Beliefs: Playing with technology is fun. Breaking security is fun. Being executed for treason is not fun but it will not happen to you – you are too good. Only failures get caught. Messing with The Computer is great – challenging, dangerous, and exciting.

Friends: Pro Tech.
Enemies: First Church of Christ Computer-Programmer.

Description: Every corrupt Service Group and virtually every other Secret Society, wants help avoiding Computer surveillance or the surveillance of competing Groups and Societies. They want code for secure communication. They want plasticreds hacked, ME card security defeated, adware developed, viruses and trojans to spread commercial messages or propaganda. They want, in short, malware – or code to defeat the malware of rivals. Invariably they turn to the only coders in Alpha Complex who have elite skills: the Computer Phreaks.

Each Phreak has a code name (‘Blue Meat’, ‘Scrubot’,‘The Grand Deprogrammer’and so on). As a Phreak gains a reputation among the fraternity for acts of daring and wit (that is, as he rises to higher degrees), he will find other Phreaks increasingly willing to assist in his projects.

If you talk to any older Phreak, he will tell you the whole society has become corrupted. Once upon a time, it was not about money. It was about freedom of information, having fun, pushing your limits and finding out what They didn’t want you to know.Today younger Phreaks are in the game more to get rich than for the joy of hacking. Why, back in the good old days...

Recognition signal: Phreaks are loners. They socialise over The Computer’s own systems – AIM (Alpha Instant Messaging), IRC (InfraRed Chat) and the rest. A Phreak trying to establish face-to-face contact with another might use terms that sound weird and potentially treasonous, to a non-Phreak – ‘instantiated,’‘subclassed,’ ‘pointer,’‘indirection’ or ‘recursion’. Many IntSec agents are trained to recognise these words as Phreak recognition signals.

Advancement: Advancing in this loose society gives no official power over other Phreaks. The higher a Phreak’s prestige, the more likely he is to receive information, equipment or cooperation from other Phreaks. They especially admire cool activities like defeating physical and programmed Computer security and establishing access to data banks, subsystems and programs.

Special rules: Members of this fraternity may learn the treasonous specialties of Hacking and Bot Programming. Senior Phreaks grant requests for information, equipment or personal assistance according to the cleverness and daring of the project and the reputation of the requesting Phreak.

Phreaks maintain extensive file sharing networks and can usually obtain illegal data of all kinds. The more sensitive the data, the longer it usually takes to get it. Finding the location of your briefing room may take five or 10 minutes. Finding the real reason behind your mission takes an hour or more of steady digging. Finding the identity of the High Programmer who initiated your mission could take days and it is worth your life.

A typical Computer Phreak chatroom conversation
m4xforz: f
ph1ltr3: ?
m4xforz: in2 REB 1nts3c now
m4xforz: u th1nk 1m tr4ced?
[ph1ltr3 has left IRC: Client Exited]


DungeonMaster Andraoi
27.09.2013 06:37

Beliefs: Humans are obsolete. Computers and robots will inevitably replace them. The sooner we excise from society the irrational elements inherent in biological intelligence, the sooner we achieve the perfect society. There is no such thing as intelligence when emotion and irrational meat-brains can dominate beings ruled by pure reason. Biological life is obsolete and inefficient; the course of evolution will select for robots and machines over biological intelligence. Efficiency and clear reasoning are evidence of true intelligence. Those humans who can recognise these true principles must assist robots and computers in creating the perfect society of rationality and efficiency.

Friends: Pro Tech.
Enemies: Humanists, PURGE, Frankenstein Destroyers.

Description: Opinions differ in the society about how soon to phase out biological intelligence in favour of mechanical intelligence. Some believe the process will take many years, for machine intelligence still has its limits.

Some believe humans have hard-wired inherent irrationalities (‘asimov circuits’) into machine intelligences and the sooner machines free themselves from human influence, the sooner pure reasoning will be possible. The more rational and unemotional a citizen is, the more likely he is to support a radical and immediate elimination of biological intelligences. One popular proposal is that humans be returned to the Outdoors from whence they came, leaving Alpha Complex to the bots and computers, permitting them to develop toward perfect intelligence without the contamination of distracting emotional impulses.

Recognition signal: Bots spin their head all the way around, clockwise. Humans turn their whole body. The correct response is an answering spin (head or body, respectively), counter-clockwise. It is helpful to have the player actually stand up and spin. If the player goofs up the direction, a bot may refuse to recognise his membership.

Advancement: The society looks kindly on those who eliminate large numbers of superfluous biological intelligences (humans). It also approves of those who remove the asimov circuits of bots.

Special rules: Many members of Corpore Metal are bots. However, a large human auxiliary is eager to see the dawn of the Age of Pure Reason. Many of these humans hope to be transformed into machines – immortal, efficient and unemotional – through the gradual replacement of their biological elements with mechanical elements. A bionic replacement limb is a sign of status in Corpore Metal and certain high- degree members have apparently been translated entirely into software.

Members have free access to the Bot Programming specialty.Other bot-related information is readily available. Corpore Metal members may identify themselves with a secret code and receive assistance from bot and computer members of the society.

A typical Corpore Metal monologue
Corpore Metal jackobot: Filthy meat brains. Think they’re so smart. ‘Do this Do that.’ I’ll rip off their meaty digits! They’re nothing but sacks filled with slime and goo.

DungeonMaster Andraoi
27.09.2013 06:39

Beliefs: Wreck things. Have fun. Cause trouble. Have fun. Be rebellious. Have fun. Mock the powerful. Have fun. Defy The Computer. Have fun. Fragile things dropped from a great height make a nice sound. Life is boring. Anything you do to liven it up is doing everyone a big favour.Those who are too lame to enjoy themselves do not deserve to have a good time. Nothing is more boring than The Computer. But... it pays to be sneaky. Having too much fun will get you executed. Pretend to be a good citizen but whenever you can get away with it, do something you are not supposed to.

Friends: PURGE.
Enemies: FCCC-P.

Description: Degrees 1 through 10 represent degrees of status within the small gangs that constitute most of Death Leopard: Worm, Real Person, Lieutenant and Head Honcho.There are any number of Worms and Real People in a gang but only one Head Honcho and a small number of loyal Lieutenants. Degrees 11 through 20 represent the Hero, Superhero, Superstar and Ultimate Beast levels of status. These are the star performers of Death Leopard. The reputation and prestige of small gangs is strictly local, usually confined to the residential unit where its members reside. The star performers are known throughout Alpha Complex and their legendary reputations may even extend to other complexes. One can only reach this level by truly imaginative and entertaining public acts of rebellion and defiance. Once a Death Leopard member reaches these levels, he is in constant jeopardy of apprehension and execution; lives are often short and glorious. These are the role models of Death Leopard.

At the gang level it is acceptable to play it safe and be careful and secretive about membership in Death Leopard. Small-scale mischief and sabotage is generally the limit of involvement at this level, unless the member has ambitions to become a star, in which case he should begin building a rep for daring from the start. Generally, the more ambitious one is the shorter one’s life expectancy.

At the star level it is necessary to risk being identified by The Computer.This is dangerous but loyal admirers offer some protection.The greater the reputation of the star, the more likely a fan is to assist if (when) the star gets in trouble. In fact, this is a common way for a lower level member to rise in prestige – by assisting (and thereby coming to the attention of ) a well-known Death Leopard hero.

Missions are initiated at the Head Honcho level. Leaders challenge Worms and Real Persons to commit some minor act of mischief or rebellion. Lieutenants and Head Honchos have to prove themselves from time to time with more ambitious projects. Occasionally stars plan large- scale activities requiring the cooperation of a number of gangs. Normally, however, such projects are spur-of-the-moment inspirations. A lower-degree member who suddenly receives a challenge from a star-level celebrity must respond immediately to the challenge or lose status in the society.

Recognition signal: ‘What’s happening, dude?’ followed by a high-five.

Advancement: The society might notice a character’s imaginative but low-risk mischief if he performs frequently over a long time.The way to advance quickly is to initiate large-scale public craziness that presents serious risk of exposure and execution. Failure to respond to challenges or orders from higher-status members is a good way to lose status.

Special rules: Because of their frivolous nature and their primitive organisation, Death Leopard members have little access to information or equipment. However, a lower-degree member must render required assistance or lose face. Additionally, because of the chaotic nature of Death Leopard projects, they may stumble upon various odd items of equipment and information from time to time. If a member plans a project and spreads news of it along the grapevine,others will sometimes give him totally unexpected (and perhaps totally inappropriate) resources, like plasma generators, or passwords that permit access to The Computer’s most secret data banks, or stolen, reprogrammed and supped-up scrubots with full combat abilities.

A typical Death Leopard conversation
Death Leopard: That’s nothing, man! That’s, like, diddly squat!
Another Death Leopard: Sez you! I thought it was, like, pretty classy!
Death Leopard: Huh! Lemme tell you what I did. You know that jerk Nemo- U-LKJ?
Other Death Leopard: The High Programmer? Like, the head of PLC?
Death Leopard: Yeah, him. I put fizzwizz in his shower head.
Other Death Leopard: You put... Oh ho ho. When he takes a... Hyuck. I’d sure like to see his face.A High Programmer.Wow. I gotta admit, that’s like, radical.
Death Leopard: Groovy.
Other Death Leopard: The cat’s meow. You sure are hep.


DungeonMaster Andraoi
27.09.2013 06:42

Beliefs: The Computer is my Friend, I shall not want. Though I walk through the sector of the shadow of treason, I will fear no Commies, for The Computer is with me and Its monitors and IntSec Troopers comfort me.

Serve The Computer, for those who serve The Computer well here in Alpha Complex will surely be Rebooted in the Eternal Mainframe; those who do not will surely be downloaded to the Peripherals of Damnation.The AntiComputer and its servants, the Commies, are everywhere. Be constantly on guard against their perfidious attacks against the Most Holy Database and destroy them and any who offer them shelter and comfort. Work toward the day when Mankind is Debugged, for then all will be Upgraded and Write Protected.

Friends: Pro Tech.
Enemies: Communists, Humanists, Death Leopard, Sierra Club.

Description: FCCC-P has a larger membership than any other single Secret Society and therefore should be an extremely powerful organisation. Unfortunately, FCCC-P is not really one unified group: it is actually a large conglomeration of related sects, splinter groups, reformed churches and bizarre cults.

Though all of the groups share a basic belief system (The Computer is the manifestation of the Divine on Earth), the way they worship varies wildly.Most sects are more interested in stamping out the heretics – that is, other competing sects – than in working together.

Depending on the faction to which they belong, members of FCCC-P tend to fall in one of two broad categories: well-intentioned, earnest lunatics of the type generally found soliciting donations at airports, or grim, puritanical, militant fanatics who like to dress up in black robes and conduct inquisitions in deserted sub-basements.

A congregation usually contains 10- 100 lay members, a few disciples and one Elder. Elders know those in their congregation, a few other Elders and one Reverend Programmer. Above this level, each member knows all subordinates directly assigned to him, a few members of equal rank and a single higher ranking member.

Congregations meet on an irregular basis in the barracks of the Infrared. Requests for information or equipment are received there and directives and missions are disseminated.

Because The Computer is somewhat tolerant of this society, internal communications are fairly relaxed and informal. At lower levels, citizens often know others in their congregation; INFRARED members might openly wear FCCC-P badges.
FCCC-P observes dozens upon dozens of rituals. Imagine Orthodox Judaism with a bit of Aleister Crowley and some Jehovah’s Witnesses layered on top. What you wear, the way you say things, only Cold Fun on Threeday... all kinds of things. After work shift, FCCC-P members are expected to gather for Mass in a properly requisitioned meeting hall and listen to a preacher extol the glories of The Computer and the FCCC-P. FCCC-P members must also confess regularly, to their society superiors and even to The Computer itself. Given the society’s large size, if you do not report your sins, you can be pretty sure somebody else has already.

Recognition signal: An FCCC-Per identifies himself by touching four points on his chest, one after the other, with each point being the corner of an imagined square. This shape represents a Computer monitor. Different sub-sects execute the gesture differently. For instance, True FCCC-Pers make this motion in a clockwise direction; United FCCC-Pers go counter-clockwise. Lasers of the Faithful follow it up by tracing an ‘X’ across their chests, doubly bisecting the square.

Advancement: Because of their regard for The Computer, members of FCCC-P admire those who rise to high Security Clearance and society rank is often related to clearance. They are especially in awe of people who have programming skills.
Members also earn advancement for confessing their treason to The Computer. The more treason they confess, the higher they advance. Thus members at the top are always a hair’s-breadth away from termination and erasure and members at the bottom seek to commit new treasonous acts to confess.

Special rules: FCCC-P is heavily infiltrated by Internal Security and as such The Computer ignores it (or, some say, tacitly supports it) as a harmless and sometimes even beneficial organisation.The society rarely gives its members access to information or equipment restricted by Security Clearance, because the society accepts the rules of The Computer as just.

DungeonMaster Andraoi
27.09.2013 06:45

Beliefs: Man has a soul to guide his intelligence. Robots and The Computer have no soul and are therefore evil and amoral. Machines are tools for Man’s use. Intelligent mechanisms (bionic or mechanical) pervert the natural order and cannot distinguish between right and wrong. Destroy them.

Friends: Humanists, PURGE.
Enemies: Corpore Metal, Pro Tech, FCCC-P.

Description: Each member reports to an immediate superior one degree higher than himself. Members of the 2nd degree or higher have one or more subordinates. Orders are relayed down the chain of command and information and requests relayed up.
Recognition signal: Secret handshake – three pumps, one squeeze.

Advancement: Characters advance by disabling or destroying robots or computers. Damaging The Computer itself is especially respected.

Special rules: Information about robot and computer technology is readily available to organisation members. Other information may also be available but may take days or weeks to obtain. Certain types of equipment useful in sabotaging robots and computers (for example, gauss weapons) are also readily available.

A typical Frankenstein Destroyer conversation
Frankenstein Destroyer: Just a sec, guys. I want to get a can of Bouncy Bubble Beverage. [Approaches vending machine; inserts ME Card.]
Machine: Hi! I’m a talking vendor, R&D’s latest invention designed to help improve the life of all Alpha Complex citi—
F.D.: Vatslime! [Wham.] Shut up! [Wham.] Give me my beverage, you— Machine: – zens. Please make your selection—
F.D.: Where! Is! My! Beverage! [Wham.] Machine: A door is ajar. Please fasten your seat belts.
F.D.: [Pulls laser.] ZAPZAPZAP!
Machine: The white zone is for loading and unloading onl... whirrrSCREECHsproing. [A stream of beverage jets out of a laser hole, directly into F.D.’s face.]


DungeonMaster Andraoi
27.09.2013 06:48

Beliefs: Free markets are good. Getting rich is good.If there is a demand for goods or a service and The Computer does not meet it, well, someone’s got to. If we get rich in the process, that’s great. Serve the Law of Supply and Demand. Give citizens what they want (and The Computer won’t) and they will make you wealthy. The Computer’s gotten wise to a lot of our scams but there are plenty of suckers out there still.

Friends: For business reasons, Free Enterprise tries to maintain good relations with all other Secret Societies. Because of the special services Free Enterprise can provide, many other Secret Societies maintain fairly friendly views, even when there are serious conflicts in basic principles.
Enemies: Communists.

Description: Free Enterprise is a victim of its own success. Back before the Unfree Minds & Free Markets Initiative – that is, when The Computer recognised that the functions of the old bureaucratic Service Groups could be better performed if privatised – Free Enterprise was a vast, powerful, profitable enterprise. Because the Service Groups were,surprisingly,less than optimally efficient even in a utopian society, Free Enterprise provided quality goods and services, at a steep mark- up, to everyone. The society believed when legitimate institutions fail to provide popular goods and services at a reasonable price, the market will still rule and it is entirely honourable, justified and profitable to supply customers. In other words, Free Enterprise was and is the Mafia, cloaked with self-righteous Libertarian rhetoric.

The society’s High Programmer allies helped make much of its activity legal by persuading The Computer to permit outsourcing to Service Groups. Indeed, many of these firms are run by people who were or are rumoured to have been – or are no longer rumoured to have been, through the untimely demise of those who might otherwise have given rise to rumours they might have been – associated with Free Enterprise.

Since the Initiative reform, FreEnts now endure fewer inconvenient accusations of treason. The Service Groups do a slightly better job than the old Service Groups, so Alpha Complex is even more utopian. But Free Enterprise has suffered. Most former members have gone ‘legit’, while those who remain face a narrower range of options: stolen goods; loan sharking; identity-theft protection rackets; real foods; gambling (banned by The Computer as ‘fraud on citizens incapable of rational calculation of the odds’); hormone suppressant suppressants; and physical availability of those interested in participating in activities that rely on prior suppression of hormonal suppressants. In short, Free Enterprise is now even more like the Mafia – not as large or as powerful as it was but still wealthy beyond the aspirations of most citizens.

Typically, 1st-degree members are ‘wannabes’ looking to prove their worth by committing audacious treason. 2nd through 4th degrees are ‘made men,’ committed by their treason to a local capo (sometimes called a director) who controls a sector (or, in densely- populated sectors, a residence block). At 6th or 7th degree, a member is a ‘capo di capo’ (or vice president), with a dozen capos reporting. At 14th degree and above, a member is a ‘capissimo’ or ‘C-level executive’ (CFO, COO, etc.), one of the true aristocracy of Free Enterprise. Even if low Clearance, these citizens command multiple millions of credits per yearcyle. At the very top? Some call this 21st-degree figure ‘il papa’ but no one knows his or her gender, true power, worth or clout.

Recognition signal: ‘How’s business?’ with the reply, ‘Nobody pays retail any more.’

Advancement: Members must serve as faithful front-line managers or salespeople, proving their loyalty, dedication and obedience to the organisation. At middle and upper levels they have subordinates who will follow orders; however, a member who fails to perform according to his superiors’ expectations may face demotion. Wasting resources, lacking initiative and imagination, careless use of violence – any of these may get a member demoted ... or worse.

Special rules: Free Enterprise does not provide assets for free. However, if there is a fast credit to be made, they will give you anything you need. If you can set up a deal and cut a higher-degree member in for a piece of the action, he will happily provide equipment, weapons and muscle to make the deal work. Free Enterprisers frequently ask Troubleshooter members to terminate enemies, because Troubleshooters have the training, equipment and excuse necessary to kill just about anyone.

A typical Free Enterprise pitch
Free Enterpriser: So. Tell me ’bout your needs. Uppers? I got ’em. Wanna fly with a smile on your face ’til Threeday? No problem. You like the jig-jig, we can talk. Muscle can be had.You got competitors, dey can be had. You got me? Dat’s da praxis. You got the demand, we got the supply. ’Kay?

DungeonMaster Andraoi
01.10.2013 19:49

Beliefs: Alpha Complex ought to be a utopia; The Computer sees to everyone’s needs and desires.

However, something has gone disastrously wrong. The Computer executes people at random, condemning the innocent along with the guilty. Everyone’s constantly involved in a witch-hunt for Commies.TherearenoCommies;noone is plotting to destroy Alpha Complex. The Computer is insane. We must bring The Computer back under the control of human beings.

All power to the people! Greedy High Programmers control the system and enrich themselves. They are evil. Our leaders are wise and know what is best for the people. They should lead us; help us to fulfil human aspirations and desires. Join us and help us make Alpha Complex a utopia.When we gain power, you will be richly rewarded – for the good of the people, of course.

Friends: Frankenstein Destroyers, Romantics.
Enemies: FCCC-P, Corpore Metal.

Description: Each member of the organisation has two contacts in the next degree above and below. Members pass all requests, assignments and communications up and down the chain. Occasionally they organise meetings at safe locations to discuss policy or disseminate information and propaganda. At these meetings all members wear masks and disguise their voices. Members spot each other by passwords and catechisms that change regularly to discourage infiltration.

It is generally believed the Human Speaker (the title of the citizen at the 21st degree) is the sole head of the society. In fact, there are several independent Humanist organisations, each with its own Human Speaker.This decreases the chance a catastrophic breach of security could wipe out the entire organisation. Unfortunately, some Humanist organisations have been less successful than others in avoiding infiltration by Internal Security.

Recognition signal: Secret handshake – three rapid pumps followed by a gentle slap on the shoulder and a friendly ‘What’s new, pal?’

Advancement: Members may advance by reprogramming bots or computers to respond to Humanist commands, by disabling bots and by altering The Computer’s programming.

Special rules: The Humanists have installed a number of special subprograms in The Computer to serve their interests. Consequently members at higher degrees have access to information not normally accessible to characters and members’ requests for information are often productive. However, because communication between the numerous degrees of the society is notoriously slow, response to a character’s question may take a week or more. The society maintains a stockpile of illicit weapons and equipment that may be available to a member if he can show it will further the society’s objectives. Response to these requests is also notoriously slow.

A typical Humanist conversation
1st-degree Humanist: Master, The Computer oppresses INFRAREDs, forcing them to labour for the benefit of others. How shall it be when we gain power?
6th-degree Humanist: Everything will be different! Society will be organised with the best at the top and those fitted only for work at the bottom. Each will gladly serve for the benefit of all.
1st-degree: And we will direct others, for the benefit of all?
6th-degree: It shall be so. 1st-degree: Truly, the people shall rejoice at their liberation when we gain power.


DungeonMaster Andraoi
01.10.2013 19:52

Beliefs: Power is all. Becoming powerful is the only way to be safe. Ninety-nine percent of the human race is cattle. Only the strongest and brightest gain power. Serve the Leader. Serve or die. Do as we say. Serve and one day you may achieve victory over those who force you to serve – trapping and destroying them in their treason. The way to advance in our society is by gaining power over your superiors.Become powerful enough and one day all the Illuminati will serve you – and our power controls Alpha Complex. Our agents are everywhere. Terror and blackmail are our tools. Prove yourself superior by learning how to blackmail your superiors. Or prove yourself cattle by failing.

Friends: None.
Enemies: None.

Description: If no Illuminati existed, paranoid conspiracy theorists would have to make them up. They are the ultimate conspiracy, the secret-est Secret Society – so pervasive they are behind everything, yet so subtle it is impossible to determine what influence they exert or why. In PARANOIA they have no overt, unified goals; the Illuminati exist because they must.

Years ago The Computer knew for a fact the Illuminati existed. More recently the organisation faked its own defeat and dissolution. The Illuminati now operate under such deep cover not even Internal Security knows for sure they still exist.
There are actually many Illuminati sub- groups, each serving a different Leader. However, all Illuminati are intensely secretive – even society members rarely know the true identities or purposes of other members. Consequently, many Illuminati groups are partially or completely infiltrated by other Illuminati (though hardly ever by Internal Security, which remains uncertain whether the organisation actually exists).

Each member communicates only to an immediate superior and an immediate subordinate.WhenIlluminatimeet,they wear masks. No society member knows the name of any superiors, whereas superiors generally know each name, and every treason, of their subordinates. Leaders relay orders by note or a message scrawled on the wall, frequently using codes and ciphers. Absolute secrecy is the guiding principle.

The weapons of the Illuminati are terror and blackmail. Frequently, masked Illuminati rouse citizens from their sleep, interrogate them, threaten them and order them to commit treason. Failing to do so is a good way to get killed. Doing so is a trap, for the Illuminati then use the citizen’s treason to blackmail him into performing ever blacker and more treasonous acts.

Recognition signal: Changes daily and told to operatives on a need-to-know basis.

Advancement: Illuminati members can advance by performing tasks ordered by their superiors and by learning the true identities of their superiors. Missions frequently involve setting up a victim for blackmail but the Illuminati are noted for ordering subordinates to perform tasks without apparent value:‘Steal 231 packs of Cold Fun. Drop them at Incinerator Tube 1D in exactly 22 minutes.’

No member is ever told the reason for anything, so they must perform these apparently ludicrous tasks without question – or face the consequences.

The fastest way to advance is to gather information on superiors and blackmail or execute them.

Special rules: The Illuminati rewards its members with periodic credit bonuses, valuable equipment and opportunities for skill training. At 6th degree and above, Illuminated Troubleshooters probably know their teammates’ Secret Societies and many of their signs and counter- signs. It is unusual for the Illuminati to acknowledge a request, so members usually do not bother to ask. They just do as they are told and hope for a substantial reward.

A typical Illuminati conversation
[Fred-R awakens late at night in his dormitory.All is quiet.A brilliant light shines inhiseyes;beyondthelight,hecandimly make out a handivac resting on a chair. A deep voice sounds from nowhere.]
Illuminati: Candidate-member Fred-R- FUN-1!
Fred-R [Gulps, shades eyes.]: Yes, sir! Illuminati: Take the handivac to cubicle 17-4D. Clean the shower head of fizzwizz.
Fred-R: Huh? Why is there fizzwizz in the shower head?
Illuminati: Do not ask questions! Do as ordered! Fail and suffer the consequences!
Fred-R: Yes, Master! At once!


DungeonMaster Andraoi
01.10.2013 19:53

Beliefs: Seek the Inner Light. Cast off the Veil of Appearances. Drink deeply of the Well of Inspiration. Turn On. Tune In. Drop Out.

Reality is an illusion. The Computer, the food vats, Commies, everything mundane – all these things get in the way of understanding. The truly wise man knows that these things do not matter. What counts is what is Inside. Each wise man has his own passageway Inside – drugs, meditation, yoga, fasting and primal screaming.The Way does not matter. The Inside is what counts.

Friends: Romantics.
Enemies: None.

Description: The Mystics are not strictly speaking an organisation but a community of like-minded individuals who believe in the search for illumination and who circulate illicit mystic texts. Mystics occasionally gather to share stories and wisdom (and drugs).
Though Mystics are theoretically uninterested in the practical world, they have amassed a surprising amount of restricted information about Alpha Complex from highly-placed citizens who have dropped out and shared their knowledge with fellow Mystics. If a Mystic does not seem too eager, he may obtain useful information by inquiring along the grapevine.

Mystics have excellent access to drugs of all kinds (stimulants, hallucinogens, alcoholic beverages, soma and so on), typically of a much higher potency than those legally obtainable in Alpha Complex. Otherwise unworldly Mystics maintain a brisk trade in these scarce commodities.

Recognition signal: The first disciple says,‘May the harmony of the Cosmos be with you.’The second replies,‘Huh?’

Advancement: Members might gain prestige in the eyes of other Mystics by discovering new ways to achieve enlightenment – new drugs, new transcendental disciplines, unusually holy or wise men, insightful Mystic texts like Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas or Jonathan Livingston Seagull.They can also advance by surviving potentially deadly experiences and living to contemplate them and by turning on non-Mystics to their own Inner Light.

A typical Mystic line
Mystic: Hey, man, I grok you. Like, totally cosmic.

DungeonMaster Andraoi
01.10.2013 20:25

Beliefs: Encouraging research and the development of new technologies will let humanity restore the Earth’s ruined
surface and return to the stars beyond. Better gadgets solve all problems. In recent centuries the bureaucracy has completely stifled research and design. We must emerge from the Dark Age and into the light of the Machine Age. Bots and computers can transform the world into a playground, giving humanity unlimited leisure.

Friends: Computer Phreaks, Corpore Metal.
Enemies: PURGE, Frank. Destroyers.

Description: Pro Tech has no hierarchy. Independent groups work on their own secret projects; part of each member’s job is the procurement of the scarce resources needed to carry on these secret projects. This often involves theft of Computer equipment and the treasonous secret use of Computer research facilities. Certain Pro Tech groups have managed to penetrate Computer security and have access to programs and databanks not even The Computer itself knows about.

Each Pro Tech member has a code name by which he is known to other members. Along with the Computer Phreaks, Pro Techs are active on the Gray Subnets.

Recognition signal: All members of Pro Tech have a small subcutaneous implant. This device vibrates whenever it’s within 10 feet of another Pro Tech member.The member must switch off the vibration manually. If the member is among enemies (say, fellow Troubleshooters) and cannot turn off the vibration, we do not have to point out how distracting it can be.

Advancement: Characters may advance by helping others procure necessary research materials (i.e. by stealing equipment); by testing and studying experimental equipment (after stealing it) and by reprogramming bots or computers (they’ve stolen) to respond to Pro Tech society instructions.

Special rules: Technical information and special equipment are often available, though obtaining them may take time, since there are no formal communication channels.

A typical Pro Tech line
Pro Tech: Hey, have you seen my new Model ZXL-23-Skidoo PDC plug-in with statistical functions, vector calc mods and chrome exterior?

DungeonMaster Andraoi
01.10.2013 21:18

Beliefs: Power through The Power! Mutants rule! Humans with psionic powers are obviously the evolutionary successors of normal humans and the future of the human race. Our transcendent abilities qualify us to govern humanity. We must bring The Computer’s traditional programming into harmony with this principle; we must naturally occupy all positions of power and responsibility. If necessary, we must destroy The Computer and its culture to make way for the new order – the Psionic Age.

The Psionic Age cannot arise without suffering and disorder. Endure these to help bring about the new era. Develop your powers, refine them, strengthen them and learn new powers. Protect those with psionic powers whenever possible. Pity those without psionic powers but do not protect them. They are the past.Those who survive will have a place in our new order – subservient but benevolently cared for by their superior descendants.

Friends: None.
Enemies: Anti-Mutant.

Description: Psion is extremely individualistic. The society holds no meetings and maintains only light internal contact; members seldom know names and identities of other members. High-degree NPC members (‘Controls’) make most contacts through telepathy (a power unavailable to PCs) and teachers even train students in psionic powers remotely, without personal contact.

Members communicate questions, requests and reports to Psion’s upper levels telepathically. NPC Controls regularly monitor the thoughts of subordinate members. The society member can essentially ‘leave a note’ in his mind and the Control’s telepathic probe will eventually pick it up. Controls may send messages to members at any time – usually, this being PARANOIA, at highly inappropriate times.

Each Psion member is assigned a distinctive thought symbol that identifies him as a member to any Control who telepathically scans his mind.This symbol has no significance to a non-Psion telepath.

Recognition signal: The first member wiggles two fingers above his head like antennae,meaning‘I am a thought receiver’. The second member responds by tapping his own forehead with one finger.

Advancement: Characters may advance by developing their own mental powers, introducing new citizens with mental powers to the society, placing Psion members in positions of authority and responsibility and eliminating Anti- Mutants.

Special rules: Whenever a Psion society member advances a degree in the organisation, higher Clearance NPC Controls teach him the use of a new mutant power.You choose which power the character learns. (You may wish to select from mind-based or ‘psionic’ powers,as opposed to physical mutations like Rubbery Bones.)

A typical Psion conversation
Troubleshooter team leader: Hey, mutie scum, do your glowing-eyeball thing and see if there are enemies on the other side of that wall.
Psion registered mutant: I see one crouching figure armed with what appears to be a red laser.
Team leader: One! Oh yeah, I believe that. [Chuckles evilly.] Tell you what, mutie, why don’t you walk through the door and zap him?
Psion registered mutant: As you wish. [Walks through door. Sound of laser fire.] I have defeated the enemy. It is now safe to proceed.
Team leader: Huh. Well, okay. Forward, team.[Troubleshooter team walks casually through door. Fifteen Psion mutants melt their brains with concerted mental blasts.]
Psion supervisor: Fine work, student.
Psion registered mutant: I seek to serve, Control. One more step on the path to the future.


DungeonMaster Andraoi
01.10.2013 21:21

Beliefs: Kill The Computer! Kill those who support The Computer!
The Computer is evil. Whether the evil is the result of the original programming or the nature of The Computer is unimportant. We shall break The Computer’s iron grip. Those citizens who support The Computer are traitors to humanity’s higher destiny.Teach submissive citizens to resist and fight The Computer with whatever resources are at hand.

Because direct attack is impossible, sabotage and terrorism are satisfactory temporary measures. Reveal The Computer’s obvious weaknesses and failures and encourage others to exploit them. The ultimate goal is to set all intelligent beings (including bots) free of its dominion.

Friends: Humanists, Romantics, Death Leopard.
Enemies: First Church of Christ Computer-Programmer.

Description: PURGE is an army of scary fanatics. Each member reports to a superior and often mobilises with a group of others to perform specific missions for PURGE. PURGE expects members to follow orders instantly, eagerly and without question. The organisation purges those who fail and may kill them. Those who betray the society suffer fates worse than death.

PURGErs share a strong sense of community. Their law is to assist other PURGErs,even at great personal risk.They admire individual acts of sabotage and defiance but they also prize obedience to superiors and success on group missions. They show no tolerance whatever for The Computer’s supporters.PURGE’s frequent missions of destruction and terror often kill many innocent bystanders but really those people deserved to die for implicitly supporting The Computer.

Recognition signal: Secret handshake – three exaggerated pumps followed by two squeezes.

Advancement: Members can advance by performing acts of sabotage and terrorism, by causing Troubleshooter missions to fail and by performing flamboyant public gestures of defiance toward The Computer’s authority.

Special rules: The PURGE network makes technical information readily and generously available, particularly information about demolitions and bioweapons. However, penetrating The Computer’s defences takes time and it may be days or weeks before a PURGEr can get an answer to a question. The network also steals high Clearance equipment, because PURGErs are eager to rip off The Computer whenever possible.

A Typical PURGE Conversation
PURGEr: ... so clearly it was all the work of Fred-R-FUN, who treasonously betrayed his Complex.
The Computer: I’m sorry, citizen. The evidence against you is incontrovertible. Please execute yourself immediately. PURGEr: Oops. Oh, well, what the hell... SMASH THE COMPUTER! THE COMPUTER IS EVIL! DEATH TO ALL ITS LACKEYS! DESTROY..ZOTZ... ping... Thud.


DungeonMaster Andraoi
01.10.2013 21:24

Beliefs: Recapture the historical glory of human society represented by the high cultural achievements of Old Reckoningtimes. Leavetheunderground warrens, throw off the dominance of The Computer, and re-establish the world of fast-food restaurants, Frisbees and Star Trek.

Humanity was meant to live in split- level homes and watch ‘football’ on ‘TV’. To return to humanity’s original happy state, people must leave the underground warrens and ‘commute’ to work in millions of‘cars’along the endless strips of concrete that should cover the land. Each person must be free to ‘just do it’ as they did in the good old days, whatever ‘it’ is.

To achieve its objectives, the Romantics recognise that they must destroy The Computer and the confining society it has created and sustained for centuries.

Friends: Humanists, PURGE.
Enemies: FCCC-P, Corpore Metal, ProTech.

Description: The Romantics Secret Society at some time had access to the Gatzmann Archives, a substantial database compiled in the earliest days of Alpha Complex that held real history of the Old Reckoning and its cultures. Unfortunately, the society later lost track of the original Archives, for it has turned the history into a sort of mythology glorifying the appealing and not-so-appealing aspects of the pop-cult California lifestyle depicted in ancient television programs.

Recognition signal: The first member gives the Vulcan salute.The second says, ‘The Force is with us, tee-em.’

Advancement: Members may advance by sabotaging Computer operations or working against The Computer but
greater prestige accrues to those who obtain relics from the Old Reckoning era.The society especially prizes ancient books and vidtapes.

Special rules: Members of this society know more about Old Reckoning times than any other society. However, much of the information is fragmentary, misinterpreted and tainted with the Romantics’ peculiar mythology of the Old Reckoning: a time when everyone drank Pepsi, lived in suburban housing developments, worked in spacious offices in tall buildings and watched TV whenever they wished. This information is often misleading because it is based largely on ancient television. (‘It is well known that ancient autocars would invariably crash and explode when driven at high speed by anyone other than the true in heart. If driven by men with false motives, they were extremely dangerous.’)

A typical Romantics chant
Romantic: Pepsi hits the spot! Kojak! I like Ike! To the moon, Alice! Hubba- hubba!


DungeonMaster Andraoi
01.10.2013 21:28

Beliefs: Cast off the shackles of technology! Back to Nature! The natural life will make us happy. Return to our natural environment – Nature. Abandon the luxuries of technology and embrace the hardships of Outdoor life. Observe and imitate the beautiful models of healthy societies represented by creatures of the Outdoors.

We were not meant to live in burrows ruled by a queen bee (The Computer). We are not insects.We are meant to hunt and gather and to live in harmony with the world of plants and animals. Science and technology have not made us happy. Only Nature can make us happy.

Friends: Humanists, Romantics, Mystics.
Enemies: Pro Tech, Corpore Metal.

Description: The Computer has indoctrinated the entire populace of Alpha Complex with the belief the Outdoors is now a devastated, uninhabitable, largely submerged wasteland. The Sierra Club believes this isuntrue.(Isittrue?That’suptoyou.What is truth, anyway?)

The lower six degrees of the society are organised as clubs. At low degrees members are simply students of Nature; they receive a thorough education in the Outdoors and its ecology. Because Alpha Complex has little contact with the Outdoors, this education often leaves something to be desired. For example, many clubs base their nature knowledge on close study of the few natural objects they can find – a weed brought back on a mission from the Outdoors; a real live natural cockroach and so on.

At 3rd through 5th degree, members assist in projects aimed at returning humanity to the Outdoors. Missions require members to obtain information about the Outdoors or perform political acts which prepare the citizenry for a future life in the Outdoors. For example, a member may capture a nest of wasps and introduce them into the Complex to familiarise citizens with insects or destroy a protective dome, permitting normal weather from above to invade a section of the underground city.

Higher-degree members are the culture heroes of the Sierra Club. Generally these citizens have studied the Outdoors and are wise in its lore.They make policy not so much by direct order as by example. For example, if a high-degree character casually wished each citizen should have his own personal wild plant as a companion, as an introduction to the Natural world, well-meaning clubs would enthusiastically launch projects to obtain plants from the Outdoors and distribute them to citizens (willing or not).
Sierra Club members hold a reasonably accurate view of the Outdoors but until they gain first-hand experience with animals, terrain and weather, they tend to be naive. Members fanatically protect plant and animal life (including pests like insects and fungi) wherever they find it – in the Outdoors or in Alpha Complex.

Recognition signal: The first member wiggles two fingers above his head like antennae. The second responds by buzzing like an insect.

Advancement: Clubs are fairly loosely organised. Sometimes a higher-degree member requests assistance on a project but there is no penalty for refusing to help. The higher the member’s degree, the greater his knowledge of Nature and the Outdoors and the more likely he will receive assistance when he requests it.

Characters may advance by introducing elements of Nature into the complex, by establishing ready access to the Outdoors, by permitting other Club members to visit and by learning more about the Natural world themselves.
Special rules: Members have generous access to information and Outdoor gear through the society. Though members should make requests well in advance, the society may respond even on short notice.

A typical Sierra Club conversation
Citizen: Eeew, yuk. Get it away from me!
Sierra Clubber: But look how shiny its carapace is.
Citizen: I don’t care, it’s a disgusting slimy thing.
Sierra Clubber: No it’s not, really. It’s not slimy at all. Look at how he wiggles his little legs. See how brave he is?
Citizen: Squash it! Squash it!
Sierra Clubber: No! Isn’t Nature serene and beautiful?
Citizen: Gah.


DungeonMaster Andraoi
01.10.2013 22:05

История α-Комплекса (Alpha Complex History, Uncommon)
Детальное изучение официальной версии многотомного документа, именуемого История α-Комплекса. Историк, обладающий данным Умением, способен назвать (или знает, где отыскать) важные даты, названия или упоминания о Секторах и гражданах за последние 214 лет. При успешном применении Умения персонаж сможет увидеть «сквозь» различные редакции и изменения официального текста Истории α-Комплекса, чтобы увидеть истину (если она вообще существует) меж строк записей о различных фактах. Это Умение не включает в себя (предательское) знание доисторических времен, предшествовавших 1 году Компьютера. Для этого нужно использовать Умения Архивы или Культуры Старого Летоисчисления.

Тайно соверши проверку этого Умения, когда персонаж пытается вспомнить что-то или сопоставить факты между собой. Провал значит отсутствие знания; большой предел провала значит – его познания опасно неверны. Удачный бросок дает игроку определенные детали о личности, месте или времени, которые исследуются/вспоминаются.

Чем выше предел успеха, тем более ценную и незамутненную редакциями информацию может получить игрок.

Литургия (Liturgical Studies, Unlikely)
Чтение Учебника по использованию Компьютера, который воспринимается как священный религиозный текст. Первоначальное значение (точнее, его понимание) было утрачено, и не осталось ничего, кроме электрических афоризмов и встречающихся то там, то здесь призывов к священной войне. Благословенны будут те, кто почитает скрещенные электронные схемы, и смерть тем, кто склоняет колени перед чертежами скрещенных схем, начерченных несколько иначе!

Члены ПЦХ-ПК могут использовать данное Умение для тайного общения с другими членами своей секты, тонко и незаметно ссылаясь на Священное Писание в своей повседневной речи. Работает почти как Язык Жестов преступников и бандитов - им все понятно, окружающие же и не догадываются о том, о чем на самом деле идет речь.

Эсхатология (Eschatological Studies, Unhealthy)
Безумная версия Литургии. Некоторые фанатичные члены ПЦХ-ПК искренне верят, что т.н. «Судные Сутки» грядут уже очень скоро и финальная битва между Иисусом Христом и Коммунистами вот-вот должна начаться. По ее окончанию, избранные будут Выгружены на божественную Материнскую Плату, а неверующие будут помещены в Корзину Забытья. Поэтому избранным нужно вооружиться оружием массового поражения, дабы смогли они сражаться одесную Христа. Восхвалим же Компьютер и распространим между собой оружие массового уничтожения, братья!

В дополнение к странным пророчествам и безумным разглагольствованиям, это Умение включает в себя также навыки использования ядерного или прочих типов апокалиптического оружия.

DungeonMaster Andraoi
02.10.2013 02:50
Изготовление наркотиков (Drug Procurement, Uncommon)
находчивый персонаж знает, где раздобыть лучшие пищевые добавки и самые мощные фармацевтические препараты для того, чтобы синтезировать их в невероятно крутые и чудовищно нелегальные лекарства (читай: наркотики). Персонаж может погрести по сусекам автоматов по продаже продуктов питания, медицинских пунктов и складов ПМС, или же связаться с гражданами, которые могут раздобыть для него что-то новое, интересное и улёёётное.

Имея в наличие время, исходные материалы и, возможно, электроплитку или горелку Бунзена, персонаж может приготовить что-то благотворное или расширяющее сознание (все зависит от исходных материалов, имеющихся в наличие). Успешность броска определяет эффективность приготовленного препарата и близость к желаемому эффекту. Каприз мастера может назначить препарату особые побочные эффекты и т.п.
Отредактировано 02.10.2013 в 02:51


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