Солнечный путь | ходы игроков | Для всего лишнего

DungeonMaster Strabo
25.02.2016 14:20
По просьбе игрока выкладываю схему, где вы сейчас находитесь. Масштаб очень условный.

Лесс Стэйт alexpsi
09.10.2016 16:16
Наш крутой рюкзак
- Backpack of holding (20010$, 10 lb.): Contains up to 200 lbs., 100 of which don’t count as encumbrance.

Шмотки Ната:

- Alchemist’s Kit (175$, 25.0 lb.)
- Gun-Cleaning Kit/TL4 (40$, 0.5 lb)
- Bullet-Molding Gear/TL4 (100$, 2.0 lb.)
- Sulfur Matches, 20/20 (5$, neg.)
- Lockpicks, good-quality kit (250$, 0.5 lb.)
- Powder and shot .50 Flintlock x52 (18$, 1.56 lb.) [0.3$ 0.026 lb. per 1]
- Razor (18$, 0.2 lb.)
- Blanket (20$, 4.0 lb.)
- Personal Basics (5$, 1.0 lb.)
- Wineskin (10$, 0.25 lb.)
- Rations, 2 (4$, 1.0 lb.)
- Iron pot, 1 qt. (46$, 2.5 lb.)
Итого: 38,51 lb.

Шмотки Лесса:

- Blanket (20$, 4.0 lb.)
- Rations, 7 (14$, 3.5 lb.)
- Wineskin (10$, 0.25 lb.)
- Backpack, small (старый) (back, 3 lb.)
Итого: 8,25 lb.

Шмотки Аксия:

Итого: 0 lb.


- Crowbar, 3’ ($20, 3 lbs.) - For Forced Entry. Treat as a small mace in combat, at -1 to skill
- Torches x19 ($60, 19 lb.) - Eliminates darkness penalties in a two-yard radius. Requires a hand. Burns for 1 hour
- Climbing Spikes ($400, 4 lbs.) - Strap-on spikes for both hands and feet allow scaling of vertical surfaces at no penalty
- Grapnel ($80, 2 lbs.) - Throw to ST¥2 yards. Supports 300 lbs.
- Acid (Grenade) ($10, 1 lb.) - Ordinary acid inflicts 1d-3 corrosion damage; DR protects normally. Can instead be used to burn through a mundane lock in 3d minutes
- Alchemist’s Fire (Grenade) x2 ($200, 2 lb.). Self-igniting sticky oil! A direct hit causes 1d burning damage/second for 30 seconds or until the target rolls on ground; armor DR protects at 1/5 normal. Tossed at the ground, it creates a two-yard-radius fire (1d-1 burn/second) for 30 seconds
- Holy Water x10 ($150, 10 lb.) - Small bottle holds enough (1/2 pint) to damage an unholy creature with a suitable Weakness. Hurl it using the “grenade” rules; see Concoctions (p. 28)
- Веревка, 3/4", 50 ярдов (ТУ1) (125$, 25 фн.) - Выдерживает 1100 фн. 50 ярдов
- Корона ($???, 1 фн.)
Итого: 67 lb.

Всего: 113,76 (содержимое) + 10 (рюкзак) = 123,76 (23,76 в нагрузку)
Отредактировано 23.11.2016 в 17:31

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